
Sage Peachtree 2011


Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Watch Queue Queue. 1-16 of 25 results for 'sage peachtree 2011' Sage Peachtree Premium Accounting For Manufacturing 2011. Sage Peachtree First Accounting 2011 is an easy-to-use.

This page is dedicated for Sage Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011, not for other software versions. • • • • • • • • • • • All of the illustrations shown below were created using the company data files of Bellwether Garden Supply (BWS), which is a sample company provided with Sage Peachtree Complete Accounting 2011. Illustration of the Peachtree main window Welcome to the Peachtree main window! Whenever you open a company data file you will be presented with the main window.

You use this main window as the basis from which to record transactions and perform many accounting tasks in Peachtree. The screenshot below shows an example of the main window.

Notice that reference numbers are written next to several parts of the window. These are explained in the table that follows. The Peachtree main window with reference numbers The following table explains the terms used to describe parts of the Peachtree main window: No. Version Control Repository Manager 7.5. Description Name of the Peachtree window (Title Bar): The Peachtree main window usually starts with the name of the company whose data files are currently open followed by Peachtree Accounting.

Lego Mindstorms Nxt Segway Program. If you open the data files of multiple companies simultaneously, Peachtree will display the word 'Active' at the beginning of the title bar. Menu Bar: The menu bar is a horizontal bar that shows Peachtree's main menus. Navigation Bar: The Navigation Bar is positioned on the left side of the Peachtree main window.

There are seven icons in the Navigation Bar, each corresponding to a different Navigation Center (see point 5 below). Clicking on an icon in the Navigation Bar will open that particular Navigation Center, allowing users to quickly switch between Navigation Centers. Minecraft Beta 1.3_01 Ita here. Selection indicator: The selection indicator shows the name of the Navigation Center that is currently opened, which is Inventory & Services in the screenshot provided. Navigation Center: The Navigation Center is the area to the right of the Navigation Bar. A Navigation Center refers to a group of tasks and information that pertains to a specific area of a business.

There are seven Navigation Centers in Peachtree: (1) Business Status, (2) Customers & Sales, (3) Vendors & Purchases, (4) Inventory & Services, (5) Employees & Payroll, (6) Banking, and (7) Company. Users can only access one Navigation Center at a time by clicking the icons on the Navigation Bar. Tabs: Some Navigation Centers, such as the Inventory & Services Navigation Center, may have tabs displayed at the top of the Navigation Center. These tabs allows users to access the tasks section and the management section in the appropriate Navigation Center. Tasks section: The most frequently used part of the Navigation Center is the Tasks section.

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