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I just picked up a $280 Asus netbook and installed Ubuntu on it. ReBirth seemed a perfect addition; its compact-sized UI, lightweight processing and memory requirements, and simple functions are the ideal companion to a netbook. And, thanks to Propellerhead, it also happens to be free. If you stick with Windows, just download and go. On Linux, though, you have to give the installer some help to see the install disc.
ReBirth RB-338 by Propellerhead Software. ReBirth RB-338 pioneered a new era of music. Can download the final version of ReBirth for free (as a CD-ROM. 31 Responses to How to use Reason with ReBirth RB-338 on 64-bit Windows 7 or 8. Insert the burned Rebirth CD and copy the 64-bit installer and.
(Why install Linux? I’m finding Ubuntu is just fine for battery life, and I wanted to take advantage of the OS’ optimizations for netbooks and its flexibility for the work I do, audio and otherwise. Windows 7 Starter, by contrast, I found slow and painfully hobbled.) You’ll need WINE, a Windows compatibility tool, in order to run this Windows app in Linux without virtualization. Windows 7 Driver Error Code 43 on this page. Index Of Cubedesktop Nxt 2.13.0425. Here’s what to do, adapted from a. First, mount the disc.
I’m assuming you’ve downloaded to a folder called “Downloads” in your home directory: mkdir /files/media/rebirth sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/rebirth*.iso /files/media/rebirth wine /files/media/rebirth/'Install ReBirth RB-338.EXE' The trick is, while ReBirth is free, it does check to see if you have the CD the first time you load it. Even though the disc is mounted, it’s not mounted in a way programs in WINE can see it. The fix: make a shortcut to WINE’s virtual “E:” drive: cd ~/.wine/dosdevices ln -s /files/media/rebirth e: ln -s ~/Downloads/rebirth*.iso e:: That’s it. Now you can go enjoy some soft synth history. 13 years after its introduction and five years after it reached the end of its life, ReBirth is still a lot of fun.