Peer Resources: A Comprehensive Definition of Mentoring and List of Mentor Programs A GUIDE to the MENTOR PROGRAM LISTINGS INCLUSION CRITERIA To appear in this list of examples, mentor programs must meet specific criteria. Either the organization has agreed to have its description included or the description appeared in public documents such as. Many corporations contacted by Peer Resources have mentoring programs and requested that their mentor activities remain confidential because they believed that their mentor program provided them with a productivity edge over their competition, or they believed their approach to mentoring should remain private.
What is a good name for a mentorship program? What is a good name for a mentoring program. I can give you some suggestions on ‘finding name ideas’. Matrix Path Of Neo Patch 1.1. 1 Infusing Creativity into Your Mentoring Program Web Seminar Transcript Presenter: Sarah Kremer, Director, Mentoring Institute, Friends for Youth. I hope you find these ideas helpful when starting your mentoring group. The name recognition of those programs would. Want to start a girls mentoring program. Jul 14, 2016 Catchy name needed for middle school mentoring program. It is teacher mentoring program for students. Adobe Shockwave Player Installing Compatibility Components on this page. A similar program called iTime.