Jun 07, 2014 How to reload your Korg Wavestation after battery replacement and all your patches are gone except the basic 50 in ROm. You will need to use a Midi editor. Korg Wavestation EX SR AD Legacy 10,000 Largest Sound Program Patch Library. NEW Yamaha DX7/TX7 + KORG volca fm Patch Editor Librarian +VSTi Synth Windows PC. The Korg Wavestation is a vector synthesis synthesizer first produced in the early 1990s and later re-released as a software synthesizer in 2004.

I've been frustrated many times by the Wavestation's OS and its clunky 'performance' structure. If you're copying performances between banks, you have to make sure and keep track of all the dependencies -- which probably means firing up Excel and kicking it spreadsheet style. I recently purchased the WaveStation SE editor from Sound Tower since it was mentioned as a Windows application that would allow for copying performances between banks while maintaining dependencies, but I can figure the app out to save my life. And I work for a software company, so it shouldn't be all that hard, right? Anyway, I've emailed the developers to see if there's a user manual floating around, but no luck yet on a response. Guess the search will have to continue for an easy way to copy performances.
As an aside, have the major synth makers gotten better at patch management? It seems like a lot of those late '80s early '90s synths had overly complicated patch structures, making it difficult to move sounds around. The last new synth I bought was a SidStation and it was pretty easy to organize patches, but I haven't bought anything new from Roland/Yamaha/Korg, et at recently to compare. Newbie Posts: 30 Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:01 pm Location: Portland, OR •. Dan Philip's site is definitly a good one for the Wavestation. When I got mine, I tried MusiQuest and Sound Tower's editor and I found the Sound Tower's was better 'adapted' to the Wavestation.
But, I tried them. I'm not a fan of software editor's for keyboards.
Prefer being on the keyboard itself. For racks though, it's a different story sometimes. Such an amazing machine the Wavestation. I have the EX and I couldn't get rid of it. Even if I don't use it all the time, it's always there for me. Experimenting with wave sequencing is so much fun. Smith thought that resonant filters were overrated at the time (I guess!
Elevator Powerpoint Templates - Elevator Powerpoint Ppt Templates. The Secret Of Monkey Island 2. I wish I could ask him). I have just uploaded several 3rd party Wavestation sysex banks to SendSpace.