Estraderm Dosage The Estraderm patch should be applied to your skin on the days two times a week. Or the patch should be changed once every 3 or 4 days. The patch is often applied to the buttocks, lower back, lower abdomen or hip. To apply the patch.
Choose a clean and dry area of skin that isn't irritated, oily or damaged. Do not apply to the same site on the skin two times in a row. Tear open the patch and don't use scissors. If you accidentally cut the patch, then it's useless. Remove the protective layer. Use your fingers to hold the patch in place for about 10 seconds to make sure it is securely attached.
Buy Estraderm from Jan Drugs. Prescription Estraderm now available. Estraderm MX, Estraderm TTS 25 Patch. Learn about Vivelle Dot by Novartis from patients and trusted medical sources. I researched other options and Novartis did the same thing with the Estraderm patch.'
Consult with your physician to determine your dosage. Estraderm Side Effects As with any other drug, the Estraderm patch is not without side effects. However, these side effects may vary individually.
Below is a list of side effects that patients using the Estraderm patch have experienced. It should be noted that not all of the side effects associated with Estraderm have been mentioned in the list below. 2012 Heritage Softail Driver Backrest here. Furthermore, if any of these symptoms persist for more than a week, then you should seek a doctor's attention immediately. • Breast tenderness and excess vaginal secretions • Constipation • Darkening of the skin where the patch is • Dizziness • Headache • Fatigue • Fluid retention • Gas • Earache • Heartburn • Nausea • Nervousness • Redness or irritation near the patch • Trouble sleeping • Vomiting.