
Dai Family Xingyi Boxing Manual

Dai Family Xingyi Boxing Manual

The exact origin of Xing Yi is Taoist. The earliest written records of it can be traced to the 18th century to Ma Xueli of Henan Province and Dai Long Bang of Shanxi Province. Legend, credits the creation of Xing Yi to renowned Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) general Yue Fei, but this is disputed. According to the book Henan Orthodox Xingyi Quani>written by Pei Xirong and Li Ying’ang, Xing Yi Master Dai Long Bang '.wrote the Preface to Six Harmonies Boxing in the 15th reign year of the Qianlong Emperor [1750]. Inside it says, '.when [Yue Fei] was a child, he received special instructions from Zhou Tong.

Ottawa Chinese Martial Arts Association has been practicing and teaching traditional Chinese Martial arts for more. Xingyi Classics. Yang History.

Extremely skilled in spearfighting, he used the spear to create fist techniques and established a skill called Yi Quan (意拳). Haveli Sangeet there. Meticulous and unfathomable, this technique far outstripped ancient ones.' Throughout the Jin, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties few individuals had studied this art, one of them being Ji Gong (also known as Ji Longfeng and Ji Jike) of Shanxi Province.

After Yue Fei's death, the art was lost for half a millennium. Then, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Shanxi Province's Zhongnan Mountains, Yue Fei's boxing manual was discovered by Ji Gong. General History (Ancient Times - 20 th Century) Yang Jwing-Ming (who is not a practitioner of the art) argues that aspects of Xing Yi Quan (particularly the animal styles) are identifiable as far back as the Liang Dynasty at the Shaolin Temple. Yue Fei, therefore, did not strictly invent Xing Yi Quan, but synthesized and perfected existing Shaolin principles into his own style of gongfu which he popularized during his military service. Ronnie Lane Rough Mix Rar here. Nonetheless, according to Jwing-Ming, Yue Fei is usually identified as the creator because of his considerable understanding of the art (as shown in the work The Ten Theses of Xingyiquan, credited to Yue) and his cultural status as a Chinese war hero.

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